Izgalmas ösztöndíj lehetőséget szeretnék veletek megosztani, ami akkor lehet igazán hasznotokra, ha jól beszéltek angolul és szeretnétek haladó amerikai tanácsadóktól tanulni és személyes tanácsadást kapni. Az alábbiakban olvashatjátok a VV GROW Fellowship Program felhívásának szövegét angolul.

The VV GROW Fellowship is a leading accelerator program for women owners of small and medium sized enterprises from around the world. The program includes customized business skills training, technical assistance, leadership development, and access to networks to grow their businesses and increase their leadership impact. Through online and in-person trainings, fellows focus on strategy and long-term business value paired with action-oriented plans. They amplify their role as leaders in their businesses and their communities to create jobs, stimulate long-term economic growth and produce wider social benefits. The program is supported by our global founding partner, the ExxonMobil Foundation and our platinum sponsor, FedEx.

Learning and program outcomes: Through the fellowship, women entrepreneurs expand their knowledge about business planning, financial management, marketing, networking, leadership and other core topics related to entrepreneurship.

The one-year fellowship includes:

1. Virtual Learning: Through a series of webinars, assignments, online courses, assessments, and one-on-one calls, fellows build their knowledge about core topics, assess and gain a greater understanding about the state of their business in order to develop a plan to grow.

2. In-Person Training: Fellows participate in a four-day workshop during which they create an action plan to achieve their business growth goals. Fellows also get the opportunity to meet, network with, and learn from other fellows from across regions, Vital Voices staff and trainers and others.

3. Growth Services and Support: Following the in-person training, Vital Voices staff connect fellows to individualized growth services and support.

Who can apply?

Women business owners who:

– Own a business that…

o Has been in operation for at least 3 years
o Employs at least 3 full time staff
o Generates at least USD $40,000 in annual sales

– Reside in the same country as their business for at least 7 months out of the year

– Are proficient in spoken and written English

As an interested applicant, you:

– Are enthusiastic about participating in a one-year business accelerator program
– Are motivated to learn new skills and make changes to grow your business
– Have the authority to make critical decisions within your business
– Have demonstrated leadership within your community
– Are willing to have Vital Voices track your business growth during the Fellowship, and up to 3 years afterwards and participate in data collection including online surveys and phone calls

What will I receive through the program?

The VV GROW Fellowship is a highly competitive program that provides customized business skills training and support valued at over $25,000 per participant. Through the fellowship, fellows will receive:

– Strengthened knowledge, skills, and confidence in business planning, leadership, financial management, networking, and marketing
– Guidance, training and support from global expert business trainers Vital Voices staff entrepreneurship team
– Access to online business management and leadership courses through Harvard Business School Publishing’s online platform, Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) for one year
– The opportunity to be a part of a Vital Voices network of women business leaders from across the globe
– Referral(s) to business support services tailored to your needs
– A certificate of program completion
– Admission into the Vital Voices Global Leadership Network upon graduation

Az ösztöndíjról szóló tájékoztatót innen töltheted le:

VV GROW Fellowship Program Overview

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